4 Ways How To Maintain A Tailoring Business

When we have an interest in the world of sewing, of course, we will diligently learn about the world of fashion, the world of sewing and how to create fashion that is comfortable and beautiful.
But having a business in the world of fashion and fashion is not easy, not only need a skill of sewing but also we must be good at following market tastes, have a sharp sense of fashion, are good at making clothes that are comfortable to wear and of course good at serving consumers.
So far I do not have the talent to do business in the fashion world, but as a customer that loves fashion, I certainly have a favorite place to tailoring my custom clothing.

The following are tips for maintaining customer service if you want to do business in the fashion world.

1. finish on time
every customer must have a deadline when clothes that are sewn will be used. therefore complete the customer order clothes on time. faster will be better. I would be very upset if there were clothes I ordered that didn't finish on time. sometimes, this is also caused tailors losing their customers because the customer will be lazy to come back. Or sometimes the customer is forced to lie to advance the deadline so that clothes can remain safe if it is too late to finish

2. Sense of fashion
Becoming a tailor is also working for providing the best fashion advice for his customers. Which matches his body shape, Skin colour, also in accordance with their fashion style. Customers will be very happy to hear advice from the tailor.

3. Comfortable clothes
To be a tailor, the main mission is to make comfortable clothes, neat and fitting stitches. According to body size and shape. strong stitches and according to the pattern. clothes that fit do not have too many repairs when fitting, of course, it will be comfortable to use.

4. Strategic workshop location
Do not open workshops or stores that are difficult to reach. a strategic location will make it easier for customers to meet their favourite tailors. if there are two tailors with the same quality, of course, customers will prefer to come to locations that are easy to reach, right? So, don't stay too far from the public area.

Well, those 4 things that need to be prioritized if you want to open a business in the tailoring business. hope it will give you more spirit to enjoy. Good luck


  1. omg, all of this using english language, tell me the tips please, hehehe

    saya juga kepengen banget tulisannya berbahasa inggris gitu mba hahaha, tapi kurang pede, duh apa sih komen malah curhat

  2. i really really like your post. cause your blogpost use english

  3. yes, many traditional tailors in Indonesia do not have sense "of fashion" so they just do what their prospect customers ask them to do. Good thought, mba.

  4. Good article about tailor business, and sometime i hope i can sewing and made a clothes, but i never do it well

  5. Noted. aku enggak sanggup melanjutkan jahit untuk jadi bisnis. kayanya cuma untuk diri sendiri aja atau buat hadiah. tepat waktu itu rasanya repot

  6. Bahasa Inggrisku gak bagus jadi kukomen pakai bahasa aja, hahaha

    Aku dulu ditawari buat belajar jahit, tapi passionku gak disitu. Tapi ya suka juga jahitin baju. Ada saudara yg punya usaha jahitan tapi masih terbatas. Ya dia punya kualitas yg cukup baik makanya dari desa lain pun suka sama jahitannya

  7. well, nice artikel mbak...nice tips for tailoring business

  8. Aku pernah punya pengalaman yang gak oke banget mengenai menjahit ini.
    Jadi aku mau menjahitkan baju untuk acara pernikahan saudara, karena penjahitnya bilang sanggup menyelesaikan dalam waktu yang ditentukan, aku percayakan doonk si kain ke beliau.

    dia terus-menerus mengundur menyelesaikan bajuku.

    Jadi KZL bukan main.

  9. Aku sedih kalo ngomongin tailor. Sudah punya langganan yang pas dan cocok di hati eh malah sekarang tutup karena orangnya jadi BMI ke Aran Saudi. Hiks

    Susah juga sih nemu yang pas dan sesuai selera fashion kita.

  10. For me, the best selling point is the quality, any customer will always satisfied with our work with that point in line. The finish on time point will easily achieved if we got suitable work management.

  11. Number one habbit: be dicipline by on time! Thus, be fashionated is also so that important because it can influence our branding!

  12. If we can produce the comfortable clothes, the cloth model is okay, the service is good, I think the location is not very important. Coz usually, people will still look for us :)

  13. I've to show this post to my tailor. Damn! Why it's so hard looking for the on time tailor. >.< On time & comfortable dress, that's the important point for me.

  14. Thank you for explain it. Hopefully i can running my business in the tailoring business someday. :)

  15. Thank you for explain it. Hopefully i can running my business in the tailoring business someday. :)

  16. 4 steps that help tailors in Indonesia to go up to class. Good job*

  17. Tips ini harus dipraktekan langsung nii sm para penjahit agar bisnisnya semakin maju dan lancar


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