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Big sale black friday 2019 |
Hi guys,
Welcome back to my personal blog. All right, today I will discuss the black Friday celebration which according to information will take place on November 29th 2019. for those of you who are still unfamiliar with the term black Friday, okay I'll tell you a little about its history.
You all already know about Thanksgiving, right? If you don't know yet, you have to googling immediately. Well, black Friday is part of the thanksgiving celebration party where black Friday usually takes place a week after thanksgiving itself which is a shopping sale event in almost shopping centres. various necessities of daily life are in big sale. Such as home appliances, electronics, fashion and beauty, and the most awaited are smartphones and game consoles.
Both online and offline stores have prepared their products to welcome black Friday with low prices and best seller products. All are happy to welcome the massive sale which is held once a year. Yeah, its time for shop till drop, guys.
Black Friday celebrations were so awaited in the US and most of Europe. In Asia, black Friday celebrations are not that popular but at the same time generally, sellers also provide large-scale sales which are named national online shopping days which are usually held on November 11th (11.11) or December 12th (12.12). the online and offline store also preparing their store for the big sale. In Indonesia, usually called "Hari Belanja Online Nasional"
Welcome back to my personal blog. All right, today I will discuss the black Friday celebration which according to information will take place on November 29th 2019. for those of you who are still unfamiliar with the term black Friday, okay I'll tell you a little about its history.
You all already know about Thanksgiving, right? If you don't know yet, you have to googling immediately. Well, black Friday is part of the thanksgiving celebration party where black Friday usually takes place a week after thanksgiving itself which is a shopping sale event in almost shopping centres. various necessities of daily life are in big sale. Such as home appliances, electronics, fashion and beauty, and the most awaited are smartphones and game consoles.
Both online and offline stores have prepared their products to welcome black Friday with low prices and best seller products. All are happy to welcome the massive sale which is held once a year. Yeah, its time for shop till drop, guys.
Black Friday celebrations were so awaited in the US and most of Europe. In Asia, black Friday celebrations are not that popular but at the same time generally, sellers also provide large-scale sales which are named national online shopping days which are usually held on November 11th (11.11) or December 12th (12.12). the online and offline store also preparing their store for the big sale. In Indonesia, usually called "Hari Belanja Online Nasional"
Okay, now I'll share some tips for hunting gadgets or electronics by online at the Black Friday celebration party that makes it easy for you to get the best deal price:
1. Know what you need
make sure you know what product you need right now. for example, if you want to buy Tv. So, how many inches your television needs, Oled or Qled screen?
If you need a smartphone then you need how many inches the screen is, how many megapixels the camera is, and how much the memory. Make sure in detail, do not let you buy that is not according to your needs and make a priority scale. Hunt for the products you need most first then continues with other needs after the main needs.
make sure you know what product you need right now. for example, if you want to buy Tv. So, how many inches your television needs, Oled or Qled screen?
If you need a smartphone then you need how many inches the screen is, how many megapixels the camera is, and how much the memory. Make sure in detail, do not let you buy that is not according to your needs and make a priority scale. Hunt for the products you need most first then continues with other needs after the main needs.
2. how much budget do you have?
it is very important to check your bank account and ascertain how much money you can spend on this black Friday party. don't over-budget for shopping, make your own limit. Don't be kidding with your saving, okay?
3. Select the store that provides the best deal for the product you are looking for.
You should find out ahead of time which store you will go to for the product you want the most. Prepare at least 2-3 online stores or e-commerce that will be hunted. Compare the price and how many items are available.
4. Time for hunting
Know the time for hunting, when the queue is open, when is the auction or flash deal that you've been waiting for. Do not let you miss the wrong time or missed a minute. Items with the best deal can lost from your target in minutes if you make a mistake.
5. Best internet connection
Make sure your internet service is in best performance, you have paid the bill and there are no connection obstacles even if the weather is not friendly or the internet connection will burst to the destination online store.
6. Prepare the best gadget
Online hunting certainly has to use a gadget with the best performance. if you want to shop with smartphones, then also prepare a notebook or tablet online when the online sale on black Friday. Dont forget to charge the battery first.
7. Healthy body and fresh eyes
Hunting online requires high focus and accuracy. therefore make sure you have enough rest, enough food, and good health. Before the best deal is opened, make sure you don't go to the toilet anymore and aren't sleepy.
8. How much you can save?
Calculate accurately, how much can you save by joining the deal. if the benefits saved don't match with your sacrifice when fighting for it, you better turn your attention to queuing for other more valuable products.
9. Recheck point 1 to 8
the day before Black Friday arrives, make sure you check all points 1-8 carefully. Provide important notes for that.
8. How much you can save?
Calculate accurately, how much can you save by joining the deal. if the benefits saved don't match with your sacrifice when fighting for it, you better turn your attention to queuing for other more valuable products.
9. Recheck point 1 to 8
the day before Black Friday arrives, make sure you check all points 1-8 carefully. Provide important notes for that.
That was 9 important tips for hunting your favourite products at the Black Friday event that will take place shortly.
Still confused about what products to buy? I have a list of products that will slam the price and you should hurry up on black Friday this time. Please check this Black Friday link, recommended for you.
Well hopefully this information is useful for those of you who are already looking forward to this Black Friday moment. Hopefully, you get the product you dream of. Good luck and see ya
Best internet connection, I've experienced when I joined on flash sale. That time was stressful because I had to tried hard to checkout my own things. But, in the end I had to dealt with slowly internet connection. What a bad experience I have but after that I always double check my connection before join in some sale on internet.
ReplyDeletethank you for tips and tricks for get item in event black friday. i know this event so many item for discount i like it
ReplyDeleteImho, jauh lebih bijaksana kalau sebelumnya sudah membuat rencana belanja.
ReplyDeleteHal ini ditujukan agar nantinya tercipta efisiensi anggaran. Dan tidak bocor kemana mana. Jadinya tidak pemborosan.
Selain itu, kan lumayan tuh jika uang sisanya bisa dialihkan ke urusan yang lainnya, tidak hanya soal belanja 😂
Ah yeah, i'm sorry if my comment in indonesian language.
Wah iya ya. Nanti bakalan ada black friday. Untung diingatkan disini. Tapi biasanya aku malah jarang ikutan belanja. Krn sering kelupaan. Hehehhe
ReplyDeleteSaya belum pernah ikutan semacam Black Friday. Kelupaan terus, dan memang belum pernah ngalamin berhasil belanja seperti yang kita mau hihihi
ReplyDeletemaking sure what will we take is the most important because we won't distracted by another discount that might stayed us to buy or just missing the promotion wkwkwkw and yasss the connection is also another starter pack
ReplyDeleteAsli aku baru tau dari sini kalo Black Friday itu bagian dari perayaan Thanksgiving hwaaaa taunya mah diskonan aja pokoknya wkwkwk makasih tipsnya, aku belum pernah sukses nih selama ini :/
ReplyDeleteJaringan internet nih yang paling krusial, dengan jaringan yang mumpuni, kita bisa selangkah lebih cepat dalam loading page.
ReplyDeleteWah...istilahnya yaa...Black Friday.
ReplyDeleteKarena mindset orang-orang kan Jumat itu selalu putih.
Bakalan ada remindernya gak niih..kalo mo Black Friday?
Nice tips, jadi keeingat hari shoping online yg diskon gila2an pas tanggal segitu
ReplyDeleteYesss langsung di note nih ideanya. Asli suka kalap memang kalau sudah gerage sale. Apalagi sebentar lagi bakalan bertaburan diskon ya
ReplyDeleteThanks tipsnya jadi ingat harbolnas tanggal segitu sama nggak seh dengan black friday
ReplyDeleteWah diskon Black Friday sungguh menggiurkan ya Mbaaa
ReplyDeleteMupeng maksimalll
Wah kapan nih black Friday nya? Mau nyobain tips di atas. Eh bayarnya pakai Rupiah Kan?
ReplyDeleteBelanja memang harusnya sesuai kebutuhan ya, bukan kepentingan. Sesuai pula dengan budget. Tipsnya oke, Mbak.
ReplyDeleteYou know what.. my hubby and I are big fans of Black Friday sales hehehe. Kita rajin banget memanfatkan diskon hebohnya setiap tahun di website belanja online. Seruu
ReplyDeleteBelum pernah sama sekali hunting atau belanja saat Black Friday, takut kalap euy. Aku flash sale aja bisa kalap apalagi kalo udah tahu selanya Black Friday, hihi.
ReplyDeleteI never know about black Friday but is sound good to get shopping time there to find electronic which one do we want to have it. so we can buy online that online