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Save more money during the pandemic |
The COVID-19 pandemic that has lasted for the past 6 months has ultimately made economic conditions around the world greatly decline in various sectors. this makes everyone feel very grateful to still have a job and income to this day. conditions that are not yet clear when this will end, inevitably make us think, until when this pandemic will last, will we still be able to survive until next year?
Things like this, in the end, make the whole community, even the less fortunate to the rich, think that right now we have to save a lot. If in the past, people only saved for old age and the future in the long term, this time people have to save because they are in a condition of uncertainty. for more details, here is the reason why we should save
Why should we save money
1. to survive in uncertainty
The COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing to this day, the economy has not yet recovered, even though many countries are in the economic recession. saving means surviving in conditions when the whole world is trying to survive. Reducing the burden of stress in us because at least we have a little handle for sudden needs later.
2. Prepare for retirement better
The pandemic may end, but our lives will continue even though one day the world economy will rise again. therefore saving is still necessary for preparing our retirement later, so that retirement can be happier and not be a pain to ourselves because we have sufficient preparation.
3. keep away from debt and bills
saving money allows us to plan and have many things without having to be in debt. the mind will be happier without having to remember the installments that must be paid every month. in the end, saving money makes life calmer and happier.
4. saving is an achievement
when you succeed in realizing your dream of having something by buying it, the taste will be very different than you buying it in installments. managing to hold back all the time just to fill up your savings, in the end, it pays off, that's a great achievement for yourself. and it will become a good new habit and make you addicted to saving and saving again.
How to save more money during the pandemic?
according to a news article on CNBC entitled "3 simple ways to save money during the pandemic, from a couple that saved $ 1 million to retire in their 30s," we can take these 3 ways, these are the list:
1. Call up your cell phone and insurance providers
2. Skip takeout and keep it simple when grocery shopping
3. cancel the subscription you don't need
from this article, we can adopt an easy way to increase savings, namely by living a simple life. During a pandemic, we don't meet many other people so we can save on buying fashion items. During a pandemic we often use masks so we don't need a lot of cosmetics, only skincare to maintain healthy skin.
During a pandemic of course we are a lot at home so there is plenty of time to cook for yourself. We can also use hobbies that are more exciting and cheap, such as gardening, cooking, reading, it seems that it will be much more economical than doing a hobby of traveling or fishing in the sea which may cost more. of course, this is just my humble opinion, for the realization you can adjust it to your recent condition right?
To see how much we have achieved in saving and increase our enthusiasm for saving, I often use the savings calculator on the pigly.com website. There are lot of tools for calculating savings to retirees. It makes it very easy for those of us who don't understand economic calculations, how to use them is easy and the results of the calculations encourage us to be more active in saving.
Pigly offering a rich collection of helpful utilities to help people figure out their finances, manage their budget, and plan for retirement
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Example of saving calculator of Pigly.com |
Please try, and if you find this article interesting then try to start saving. if you have been saving for a long time then I hope you can save more and more after reading this article.
Yes we must saving for survive from the pandemic
ReplyDeleteWah setuju nih. Di masa pandemi kayak skrg uang harus dijaga dengan baik. Klo bisa ya itu salah satu nya, jangan berutang dl hehe
ReplyDeleteI really agree with dont use makeup on these pandemic days. I do it and my makeup stuff is still stay more than usual. Sorry for my bad grammar. Btw i just knew you writing in english. thats really great. Did you studied english teacher mba ruli?
ReplyDeleteAku pandemi malah makin boros yoo mbak karena tiba-tiba banyak jajan makanan gitu tapi jadi berkurang sih jajanan yg ga penting. Bener harus tau mana kebutuhan mana yg ga kan ya.
ReplyDeleteAda kabar katanya akan terjadi krismon lagi karena dampak pandemik yg berkepanjangan ini, kita harus bener2 saving dan melakukan insurances yang kita bisa ya
ReplyDeletei agree with this article. we should save money as long as pandemic still stay in our life. but, we can try to earn money from home. it helps us to increase our saving.
ReplyDeleteKalau aku biar pakai masker tetap beli lipstik. Hihi. Tapi memang selama masa pandemi ini kita harus lebih teratur dalam mengelola keuangan mengingat ketidakpastian ekonomi
ReplyDeleteBetul banget Karena dalam hidup nih ada namanya biaya tak terduga. Jadi harus ada dana darurat paling enggak 3 bulan gajih. Enggak banget soalnya kalo harus ngutang untuk kebutuhan konsumtif aja.
ReplyDeleteliterasai keuangan emang kuduuu banget diterapkan. Pemasukan yang tak stabil ditambah dengan pengeluaran yang terkadang diluar keinginan membuat kita harus mengatur dengan baik supaya bisa aman
ReplyDeletePandemi bikin aku nambah ngilat pinggang. Gak boleh boros, jajan jangan sering-sering karena memang ekonomi sedang gak pasti banget. Nanti coba deh cek kalkulator tabungan di pigly.com
ReplyDeleteMohon maaf jika saya membalas komentarnya dengan bahasa indonesia.
ReplyDeleteIya saya sangat setuju dengan apa yang ada di tulisan. Namun menyimpan uang di kala pandemi bisa menjadi hal yang sulit untuk dilakukan. Kenapa? Karena di masa pandemi seperti ini segala hal menjadi tidak tentu, jadi mau tidak mau, saya harus selalu siap sedia dengan uang, yang mana uang itu hasil dari menabung itu sendiri.
Dan juga, saya sangat beruntung masih memiliki pekerjaan selama pandemi, setidaknya setiap bulan, kondisi keuangan terjamin oleh gaji bulanan.
Penghematan perlu dilakukan selama pandemi, untuk dana tak terduga sekaligus sebagai tabungan juga.
Im kinda so excited to try pigly.com.
ReplyDeleteHope we can saving more money and use it wisely.
Yesss... setuju banget mba.. memang di saat pandemi begini harus jadi lebih pintar dan smart yang mengatur keuangan. Apalagi memang kita harus punya saving money untuk menghadapi apa yang mungkin terjadi di depan... Aniwei aplikasi ini membantu ya mba bisa jadi lebih teratur keuangannya.