Are you feeling sad now? did you felt a broken heart? you feel that nobody cares, nobody understands, nobody loves you. Maybe you still crying now, maybe you still feel guilty, maybe you brake your heart.Are you lost, someone? someone just passed away? or someone leaves you because of somebody else. Whatever you feel those all must be broken your heart, right? I have the steps to move on from the broken heart
So, I will give you step by step to move on most easily without more pain.
- Let yourself cry let your eyes crying as much as you want. maybe you can feel free, and let your emotion out of your heart. you want to cry from morning to the night, no problem It usually makes you feel better than before but, remember when you crying, you don’t need to broke anything around you, even your self. So, when you feeling sad, broken, you can be crying buat don’t forget for lunch, shalat/praying, and take a bath. Don’t care what your gender. Not only women, but Even a man can also cry if they felt broke. because we are a human being, we have the same heart.broken heart
- Back to your desk. Let’s heading your future, back to reality. even you felt really sad, but your cry has a limit. so if you felt enough, just stop and continue your day. broken heart maybe will hurt your heart deeply, but don’t make your future looser. So, from now you can continue your dream and make a solution from your problem. Your tears just space that you must show to everyone, swipe your tears and remember that you have a big dream to reach. You can start it from taking a bath, and look up your stuff, see your messy table, recheck your schedule, and yeah.. let’s continue your last activity like anything never hurt you. Maybe you still found something makes you cry, but it usually is to swipe your tears.
- Looking for happiness. You deserve to be happy. Someone may break your heart into pieces, but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your day. But you must remember that you back into the new day, not back to the bad day. Just looking for your happiness in a good way. Don’t drunk, just take some exercise with mineral water. Don’t take the drugs, just eat so many fruits with a fun holiday.
- Speaking up. Every case that you have in the world, maybe need to share, need to tell somebody else. just looking for your best friend for sharing. it is okay to be down, it is oke to feeling very sad. If you share it, your mind burden maybe will ease.
- You are too busy feeling Sad. Make sure that you still alright. Something that can make you busy is managed your daily activity. Make your self busy as you can, and make sure that you are okay. Make sure you eat well, sleep well, good exercise, keep talking with good friends
- Forgiven. You may not forget the broken heart, but you can just let it flow and make it peaceful in your mind. Just feel that “well, oke, this is my destiny, I receive it and I will pass it”. Through your day with relieves and receive.
Well, that’s all simple way to move on from the broken heart, you can try it. Maybe you lost someone, You don’t need people that follow you, but you can find people that understand what you need, named best friend
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